34. Kickstarter Update

backers Well the Kickstarter had an amazing start! We reached the initial goal in only 24 hours!

The initial goal was to cover the cost of finishing the film animation and the off costs, like festival inscription.

The new goal now includes the compositing of the film (putting all the animation layers together) and the sound recording!

I hope we can make it! So keep sharing the love!

Also I feel like the T-shirts don't get as much attention as they deserve, It's probably because I didn't talk about them in the video, so here we go:


I'm planing to print the T-shirt with the AMAZING Dude Factory, this means that the printing quality will be beautiful.

They print on American apparel cuts, Male and Female!  You can also choose a variety of colors. Check it out, HERE, And it's only £25!




13. RIP

My computer died last week... This is not a good news, I'll have to get a new one, which is not going to help the finance of the film.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to edit the little making of I wanted to show you.

I got some secondary characters animated last week, and I was aiming at comping a shot completely, in order to have an idea of the final look.

All this is going to be postponed until I get a new machine. I'm going to focus on backgrounds again.

This is a good opportunity to get lots of them done.

Here is some background characters animation.

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/46446181 w=500&h=281]

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