27. Zoetrope Gif
I finished shooting 3 sequences last week and I now have 12 new shots that I can animate.
Some of them are quite scary...
This one for instance, each drawing is a proper a4 drawing... shaded and all.
I made it into a kind of zoetrope gif, for fun. So that's 9 frames out of the 26 the shot needs...
11. Ranch
Last week went well, not having any distractions really helped. I have now 14 Backgrounds completed, and I'm feeling a bit more confident.
This week I'm gonna keep on drawing as many backgrounds as possible, but I'll leave the Shading for later.
I'm also planing to finish the film first shot. The background is ready and it has 3 characters to be animated.
Good challenge!
In the mean time here is a finished BG, a RANCH: